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Top Picks: The Best Catcher's Mitts for Young Players

Feb 13th 2023

Selecting the appropriate size catcher's mitt for young players is crucial. With a wide range of options available, it's essential to take into account the hand opening, finger stalls, and overall circumference of the mitt when making your choice. Young players typically require catcher's mitts with a smaller hand opening, tighter finger stalls, and smaller circumference. The purpose of this blog post is to help parents and coaches choose the best catcher's mitt for the younger ball players.

1. The initial step in the process is to select the appropriate size or circumference of the catcher's mitt for the player.

31.5 inch and 32 inch youth Catchers MItts

Top Picks

Comparison of the top picks


All-Star CM1011

Age 7,8, and 9
Rawlings R9CMU-23BT

Age 7,8, 9, and 10
Rawlings R9CM325BG

Age 8, 9, 10, and 11
Marucci MFG20X235C1

Age 12 and up

Here are several reasons why it's crucial for younger players to have the correct catcher's mitt:

Comfort: A well-fitting and comfortable catcher's mitt can help prevent hand fatigue and injury, allowing the player to perform better and avoid discomfort during games and practices

Control: A catcher's mitt that is the appropriate size and shape for the player's hand will provide better control and help the player make accurate throws to bases.

Development: Having the right catcher's mitt can help develop proper techniques and skills, such as catching and blocking, which are essential for the player's development and success as a catcher.

Confidence: A catcher who feels confident and comfortable with their catcher's mitt is more likely to perform at their best and enjoy playing the position.

Safety: Some catcher's mitts are designed with extra padding and protection to help prevent injury, making it especially important for younger players who may not have fully developed hand strength and coordination.

Depending on players size and strength after the age of 12 or 13, players typically begin using adult catcher's mitts. 

Some more popular catchers mitts include the following: