2 Reviews
She plays 3rd on an 18u gold team and this glove size was recommended by her coach and she likes it a lot ... Bought this to replace a 13" glove for my 17 year old who plays softball. My daughter loves the quality and the size. She plays 3rd on an 18u gold team and this glove size was recommended by her coach and she likes it a lot more than the bigger glove. It's expensive but it's worth it she had mizuno in the past and likes this wilson a lot more than the mizuno. She likes how the pocket holds up and retains its shape the mizuno has a very loose pocket that seemed to fail over time. This glove should last her a couple of years if not more so keep that in mind when your thinking about the cost it will save you over the years.
Very well made
I bought this for my 12 year old daughter who plays travel ball. I read the reviews about it being a really hard glove to break in. I put on a movie and pounded it with a rubber mallet after about an hour and a half a sore arm it was ready to go she used it the very next day and has been loving it. I would highly recommend to any player moving up from the lower Wilson models. This glove will not disappoint and the super skin is way lighter then full leather P.when('review-image-binder' 'reviewsLightbox-js').execute(function(reviewImageBinder) { reviewImageBinder.bindReview("R12ZIP68J6W8OB" "R12ZIP68J6W8OB_imageSection_main" "R12ZIP68J6W8OB_gallerySection_main"); });